It has been some time now since the Cataclysm was unleashed, and although we have made some steps towards dealing with the various threats and problems that this has brought, we are still far away from a solution.

This brings us to a crossroads, where we need to consider several possibilities and proposals to deal with them.

The main one, of course, is dealing with the Cataclysm and the releasing of the Forsaken. That is our most difficult and primary problem. Should we overcome it, as we did with the possessed Empress and the destruction of the Black Shield, we will be left with the next major question: Can the Seal be brought down, or at least a way found for travel between both sides?

If it cannot, we will need to make Sanctuary thrive and grow as it has never been. It will need to become both a beacon for those that wish to live out their lives in relative peace and stand as a warning to those that wish to undermine our efforts.

If a way is found to travel past the Seal, I can see Sanctuary remaining as an embassy between both worlds…which will require its own brand of work as well. I know these may seem to be lofty ideals but grant this old Cilarian this hubris.

In my time here, I’ve seen the impossible happen more than once. I’ve been dead and reborn as Soulburned. We’ve seen the various elements rise up in a fury that almost overtook everything before we were able to bring it under control. I’ve witnessed would-be gods fall, and mortals ascend. In light of all of these things, do not tell me this small dream is impossible.

All I ask now, as mayor of Sanctuary, is that you join me in making this potentially fading vision become as much of a reality as it can be.

Thank You.
