Trumar Losing Control! Are They Dangerous?

Reports are coming from all over the Seal of some Trumar losing control and causing chaos with their element. Stories of fires burning out of control, small earthquakes, dust devils, water overflowing wells have been heard from various communities. Is this linked to the Cataclysm? Or some new phenomenon? Are the Trumar now dangerous to be around? So far, only minor injuries have been reported, but who knows what will happen if these outbursts continue.

A representative from the Piercing Dawn has stated that they believe these incidents are springing from the fact that Trumar within the Seal are increasingly acting against their nature and rejecting their roles as servants, but this reporter was unable to find any experts to corroborate this theory. Hopefully an answer will be forthcoming before someone gets seriously hurt, or worse, killed.

Volume 1, Edition 12

-Desius Julii