Warning to Imperial Refugees

Rumors have long hinted at the forcible capture and branding of Imperials who entered the Seal during the Cataclysm. Multiple reports to Wardens have now been collated and analyzed. Those reports appear to confirm that at least one unit of the Red Faction is actively seeking and capturing refugees for the purpose of forced brandings.

Based on eye-witness accounts, these Imperial Army Red Faction unit (or units) will use the “Crimes Against the Church” to mark captured refugees for “violating the natural order by willful entry into the Seal” unless another alleged crime is committed during the capture of the intended victim.  If, for example, the refugee in question is caught stealing or kills someone during the course of their capture, even by accident, the marks for “Theft” or “Murder” will be used instead. 

Any remaining refugees are encouraged to seek the Wardens for assistance or to come to Sanctuary, rather than engaging with unknown Imperial soldiers, no matter how dire their circumstances may be.

-Ardelio Nuntiare