Sanctuary Moving Forward

As the recent election has passed, I find myself re-elected, and looking at a series of problems with no apparent solutions in clear sight. The Cataclysm has brought forth challenges that has not been seen in the lands beyond The Great Seal in centuries. Dealing with these new challenges, however, cannot be taken in the old methods. The times have changed, and Sanctuary must change to meet these new dangers to us all.

I do not look forward to this future with despair, instead, I look upon the gathering of individuals, both new to Sanctuary and those that have been there since the first time we banded together those few years ago with faith that we will ultimately be successful in dealing with what lay before us.

Our tasks are many, and some proposed ideas will be listed below in how to deal with these tasks. Understand that these are not unilateral laws laid down by my hand, rather, these are proposed ideas that can be discussed and voted on, if necessary, by the denizens of Sanctuary:

  1. Formation of a Sanctuary Council, where any denizen that wishes to share information, discuss current problems and/or propose solutions, may have their voice heard. If matters need to be voted on, they can be. If Council meetings cannot or do not need be met, make sure current information is made available on the public notice boards inside the Town Center (Building that houses the Tavern, Forge, Public Message Boards and Mail Post).
  2. Reprint/modification of the old “What it means to be a citizen of Sanctuary” decree from a few years ago, which has been the de facto law of the town since then. Again, if matters need to come to a vote, it can be.
  3. For the heroes/adventurers/crafters of Sanctuary, every gathering, have a session of combat tactics with those that are present in Sanctuary. The main reasoning here is that each gathering has a different number present, and we can effectively gauge the skills, resources, and abilities that are there at any time. This can also be a chance to learn from each other as well.
  4. Start seeking information about the history/lore/legends about Sanctuary and the surrounding lands and territories throughout the area inside The Great Seal itself. Share the discovered information with the Sanctuary Council/boards when found.
  5. Try to see if there are other towns that are still established post-Cataclysm, and open communications with them, with the potential for becoming trading partners.

This is by no means the complete or final list but it should be a good place for Sanctuary to begin.

Finally, the nights ahead may be long and frightening, the days may hold many conflicts, we will suffer frustrations and setbacks, but if all of us in Sanctuary stand together as we have been so far, and continue to move forward, we should be able to deal with the current challenges that stand to bring all of us down.

It is beyond time that Sanctuary truly lived up to its name.

Hold Strength, Perseverance, Intelligence, Faith and Hope in each other, and we will be triumphant in our endeavor.

And that endeavor, begins now.

-Mayor Aeolus Grimaldi