To all citizens and visitors of Sanctuary:

The Laws of Sanctuary: These listed activities are NOT to be carried out within Sanctuary’s town limits. These are all understood and will be held true by all current citizens of Sanctuary (those that live within the town limits and provide something for the town), and protection is granted to all visitors while within Sanctuary, unless said visitor violates one of the following laws:

  1. Murder: The taking of another person’s life, by deliberate planning or in the heat of passion, not in a self-defense capacity.
  2. Theft: The deliberate taking of one person’s possessions by another, without agreement by both parties.
  3. Assault: Physical harm done to one without cause, or outside the realm of a self-defense situation.
  4. Desecration: The deliberate destruction of one’s property, place of safety, or worship without consent.

Proposed Organizations of Sanctuary (Needs confirmation by citizens of Sanctuary): 

These proposed organizations will help carry out various tasks and help in certain areas in an effort to help Sanctuary grow as a town and community. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor(s) are considered acting members of each organization listed, and a citizen can be part of multiple organizations at the same time NOTE: None of these organizations currently exist other than on paper:

  1. Lawkeepers: They will be responsible for enforcement and investigation of The Laws of Sanctuary. This applies to anyone within the city limits of Sanctuary.
  2. Militia: They are responsible for the overall defense of Sanctuary from threats outside the town. All citizens of Sanctuary are automatically members of the militia, and can be called up in defense of the town when needed.
  3. Scouts: They will aid with advanced reconnaissance and keeping the Militia and Lawgivers appraised of any threats that may be approaching Sanctuary.
  4. Trade Guild: This is for all gathering/crafting professionals to come together and discuss/trade their wares and better techniques to ply their trades.
  5. Apothecary: This will act as a form of medical aid/hospital organization for those in need of assistance.
  6. Divine Council: This is for followers of the various religions and professions to come together and help one another when needed.
  7. Arcanus: This is for the various casters of magic to combine their resources and knowledge for spell-casting.
  8. Ambassadors: These individuals will go outside of the town in an effort to improve relations with other cities and organizations. They may also help with official ceremonies and meeting etiquette within Sanctuary.
  9. Treasury: The allocation and protection of the town’s wealth will be dealt with by the Treasury. Town development will be addressed here as well. Any citizen of Sanctuary may donate to the Treasury at any time.

-Aeolus Grimaldi, Mayor of Sanctuary