Informational Media
Directions to the Site
Getting There
Getting to the site, where to turn and where to ignore your GPS.
Speed limits, where to park, where to go when you get there, and other useful arrival info.
Site Map
Player Character (PC) participants will settle into their choice of cabins A-H in the green zone.
Non Player Character (NPC) participants will settle into the NPC sleeping area inside the monster camp building in the purple zone.
Before 9pm, you can drive down (carefully) to unload, then return your vehicle to the parking area.
After 8am on Sunday, you can also drive down to reload your gear into your car.
This map will be referenced in the tour videos as well.
Site Tour
Player Tour Part 1
This video shows you a tour of the primary PC areas, including the Tavern, Player Atrium, Fire Pit (designated smoking/vaping area), restrooms, PC cabins, and storm shelter.
Player Tour Part 2
This video shows you a tour of the primary PC areas, including the PC cabins, and main restroom/showers/storm shelter.
Player Tour Part 3-The Atrium
This video gives more details on the function of the Player Atrium.
Player Tour Part 4-The Harvesting Nodes & Areas
In this video, we cover the locations of all all harvesting nodes and their related processes.
Player Tour Part 5-The Tavern
In this video, we walk through the tavern, here crafting, socializing, and meals are available.
Player Tour Part 6-Death & Monsters
With our final tour video, we'll check out Death's Gate, the NPC sleeping area, peek inside the plot team area, and explore Monster Camp.
More Informational Media is Coming
Planned and possible future video, audio, or images with proposed timelines.
These are planned, tentatively scheduled to be filmed at an upcoming event.
LARP combat basics
Gathering basics
- Gathering-harvesting at the farm & hydroponic garden
- hunting-trapping & skinning
- mining-excavation & extraction
- siphoning-collecting magic
Ideas for further into the future
packing for an event
- the generic list for all players
- specific extras for NPC only players
- specific extras for PC players
making equipment
- weapons
- costumes
chat/interviews with experienced LARPers (There may be a video booth in the atrium at some point, or these may take the form of phone interviews/zoom recordings. It’s not been decided)