Frivolous Carnival Invitation

[Denizens Only. Not to be shared with the general public.]
I have been given an invitation, by our mutual associate, S.P., to a “Frivolous Carnival”, which is going to be starting up the first night in a few weeks from now. This carnival is being thrown by her immediately family, which has the potential to give us some insight and information, as well as a possible indirect reminder that our mutual associate has influence, even from her current…residence.
Now, that being said, and knowing how her family operates, there are a few very strong suggestions that we need to follow for this:
  1. We must wear a mask during the event. This one is a non-negotiable.
  2. In an effort to make sure certain things are not found out about ourselves during this event, we will probably want to come up with nicknames that we will use while at this carnival. Not required, but strongly recommended.
  3. The last couple are not required, but encouraged: Prepare some type of performance (song, acting, skill showing off, etc), and there will be some type of hat competition for design at some point as well.
I will include the flyer at the end of this, so everyone will understand what is going on officially from the organizers.
I for one, given the nature and past relations of certain members of our mutual associate’s family, have no problem getting as much as we can from them during this event. Perhaps even letting them know in an indirect way that we also have friends that wield influence and power…even in their own home.
-Aeolus Grimaldi
Mayor of Sanctuary
My dear friends, Aleta and Aeolus!
I have an exciting opportunity especially for you, as my newest, most loyal and true subjects! 
It seems my sister’s people decided to taunt me with an invitation to the “Frivolous Carnival”, knowing full well I will not be able to attend this fabulous event, given my current confinement.  I find this to be EXTREMEMELY RUDE and it demands an appropriate response.  
A suitable form of payback will of course make my sister’s people very uncomfortable, without ruining the Carnival for my loyal subjects, of which there are still so many.  
So many!  I am the most popular heir in generations!  Everyone knows I should be ruling the Mystefolk!  It’s my birthright!  I am the one who killed Mother, not my worthless sister!  ME! My plan, my work made that happen!  
I have decided that sending an entourage of my own is the most fitting of responses, don’t you agree?  Luckily for you, your little village plays a pivotal role in showing I still have friends, even from within this wretched prison. 
I simply must be represented by a group of my loyal subjects as is befitting my station!  
Normally, your kind would never receive an honor such as the one I am about to bestow upon you, but since you kindly shared your names with me, I find myself feeling a bit benevolent towards you.  
The little creature that lives in the hole in my wall reminded that your name was given to me by someone else, my dear Aleta, so perhaps I should thank your Warden friend, personally.  What is his name, so that I might write to him as well?
Do be sweet and invite ALL of your friends. Bring as many guests as you like! The more the merrier!   
If you can win all of the games and contests so that her people end up with only the worthless “prizes”, so much the better!  Haha! No boons for those who turned their backs on me! hahaha…
Of course you must behave as guests and follow the rules, like everyone else. A spiteful invitation is still an invitation and any representative of mine must carry themselves as an honorable guest, or face my wrath!
  • Each guest must wear a mask 
Be as extravagant as you like, you are guests of the rightful heir, after all!  Do your best to impress!  If some of your number wish to partake of combat games, do remind them to take visibility and safety into account, as the masks cannot be removed while at the Carnival.  I simply cannot have my dear friends tracked down by my sister’s soldiers, now can I?  No, that simply would not do.  I don’t even know all of their names yet, so they simply cannot be killed until I decide the time is right and not one moment before!
  • Bring your own performances to share
A song, a dance, an impressive speech, martial prowess, targeting skills with ranged weapons, a magic show, oh perhaps a mime performance!  Anything goes!  Whatever talents your group may possess, do show them off on my behalf!  Try to make me look good, won’t you my friends?  
  • Go all out for the wild hat competition.  
From petite to pompous, the wilder the better!  If you do not make an effort, I will know!  If you can wear it on your head, it is a hat, no matter the configuration!  Whatever most pleases the crowd will be declared the winner!
Of course, you must spread the word discretely, so that my other subjects can be surprised by your shear numbers!  Be sure to tell all of my new friends in your little town as soon as you can, so they have ample time to prepare their parade of performances, multitude of masks and heap of hats!
A word of advice though, do keep your True Names to yourselves.  
Perhaps you and your friends should work on nicknames for each other in advance, so only I really KNOW you both.  It’s more fun that way, don’t you agree?  
Of course if any of your friends would like to tell me their True Names, I would offer such opportunities directly to them, as well.  Alas, they chose to be clever. Perhaps next time I will learn more.  Do let them know I am always looking for more friends… 
What was that Warden’s name again?  I did so enjoy chatting with him. He’s a clever one to be sure!  I should like to write to him.
I only regret that I cannot see the smug grins drop from their faces when I am yet represented at the Carnival!  Oh, this will be delightful!
Perhaps you will even learn something useful while you are there… what? I could not say… 
I expect a full report about the entire affair afterward, Aeolus!  
Have a good time my pets!  
The Scarlet Princess