Goodbye to a Friend

We here at the Great Tree are saddened to report the loss of one of our own, a Grafting Expert by the name of Gladiolus Branch. Gladys, as she was known to her friends in the Great Tree, was a kind woman.  Her enthusiasm for experimentation in grafting led to many a breakthrough in her short career.  While she was often not as cautious as her peers, her kindness and open nature ensure her memory will live on in the hearts of many.

Gladys was a dreamer, always looking to find the next big thing.  She saw no limits and was always willing to try new things, just to see what would happen.  She always expected things to turn out better tomorrow than they were today and her optimism lives on among her friends.

A formal remembrance will be held in honor of Gladys at the Great Tree before the next Gathering.

Those wishing to honor her memory elsewhere in the Seal are encouraged to share a cup of coffee or tea and a moment of silence with those they hold dear.  After a moment of silence, please discuss dreams and hopes for the future, even those that seem impractical.  That is just the sort of evening she would have enjoyed, if she were still with us today.

-Ivy Greenleaf