Civil War Between the Imperial Legions

The remaining Imperial Legions within the Seal, having devolved into infighting, which now appears to be an all-out civil war. Based on accounts of witnesses the Legions initially split into five factions after the Cataclysm and the death of top leaders. However, after a large field battle between the various armies, two factions appear to have emerged, both claiming to be the “true” Legion. One army is sporting red arm bands and claims to support the “traditional values of the Empire”, while the other sports gold arm bands and appears to be advocating for reforms. Specifics are sketchy as to what both sides mean by this, but they are each adamantly convinced of their authority, each seeing the other as illegitimate.  Will this infighting spill out to the rest of the Great Seal? Only time will tell.

Volume 1, Edition 15

-Desias Julii